September 2023
Goodbye summer (and good riddance!) Hello Fall (you are coming aren’t you?) September is typically the transition month from high temperatures and dry weather to more reasonable temperatures and the return of much needed rainfall. The home landscape and our native trees have taken a beating. But wait before taking a shovel or chainsaw to remove them. The natives especially have coping mechanisms where they drop their leaves and go into a dormant state to conserve energy. It could be spring before they fully recover, depending on what is in store for us this winter.
But moving on… fall is a great time for the vegetable garden. So many different varieties can be grown through the fall/winter season without as much water or risk of insect damage as the spring/summer garden. Everyone thinks you have to start right away in September to get things planted and established before the first freeze. Brassicas, (like Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower) will take freezing temperatures with only minor precautions during severe dips in the temperature. And they can be succession planted every 2-3 weeks to avoid having your crop mature all at once. The soil temperature is coming down which is a good thing, less likely of cooking the roots on tender transplants.
So many tasty leafy greens can also be grown throughout the coming months in the ground or in large containers. Leaf lettuce and Romaine lettuce are the best types for Texas gardens so skip the Iceberg lettuce. There are so many red and green varieties with smooth, lobed or frilly texture. Collards, Mustard, Swiss Chard are also good choices for the fall garden and offer the cook a wide array of recipes other tan just boiling them. One our most popular greens we grow here at the nursery are Asian Greens-Chinese Cabbage, Pak Choy, Mibuna, Mizuna, Tatsoi. All of these work well in stir fry or eggrolls. The leafy green types can even be mixed with lettuce for a tasty salad.
It’s a busy time here as we crank up production not only on vegetables but also herbs and perennials. Every week our availability list will offer a good selection for you to select from. Until next month, happy gardening!