It doesn’t seem possible, but we are halfway through 2024.  This month ushers in Summer so get ready for the really hot weather to set in.  The on & off rain has been a gift and the gardens, landscapes and yards show it.

We wrap up this month celebrating National Pollinator Week.  Thanks to the efforts of the Environmental Protection Agency for bringing attention to the importance of pollinators and restricting the use of pesticides.   A lot of focus is put on planting varieties to attract bees, butterflies, birds.  Without them agriculture could not survive and our economy would suffer greatly.

Who visits your yard?  Do you have a variety of plants that attract pollinators through out the year?  Have you ditched the weed & feed for your lawn and other harmful chemicals used to control pests?  The EPA is also currently studying the effects of herbicides on insect species, particularly pollinators, and will be releasing recommendations on combating their negative affect.

Your choices for pollinator plants are numerous and include annuals, perennials, native plants and herbs.  Check with your favorite nursery for suggestions.  Observe what attracts bees, birds and butterflies and you are on the right track.

I was way behind getting the June blog out so I will make this short.

Coming in July…time to think fall!  Get ready to plant tomatoes, pumpkins and winter squash.
